Everything About Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan

by - May 14, 2020

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation on 12 May at 8PM and the focus of the speech was on “Aatma nirbhar bharat” a self-reliant nation. Finance Minister Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will announce the details of the 20 Lakh Crore Economic Package at 4pm on 13 May. PM Modi said India produces more than 2 lakh N95 masks and PPE Kits  each day, India has transformed the emergency to a possible opportunity this is a big example of self-reliant India. India believes in “vasudhaiva kutumbakam” world is one family. India’s progress has always included the world’s progress at large.

atma nirbhar bharat abhiyan, atma nirbhar bharat abhiyaan, aathma nirbhara bhaarath abhiyaan full details, pm modi speech

Self-Reliant India Economic Package

The following are the highlight’s of PM’s speech aimed at the atma nirbhar bharat or the self-reliant India Package which is worth Rs. 20 Lakh Crore i.e. 10% of India’s GDP-
PM mentioned that we are proud Indian and the nation has brought the International Solar Alliance, International Yoga Diwas, India’s progress in the medicinal world all for the progress of everyone. We 130 crore Indians have taken the pledge to be “aatma nirbhar” or self reliant for the nation’s and world’s progress.
Prime Minister also gave reference to the disastrous earthquake in Gujarat that wreaked havoc in Kutch but still we Indians got up and worked towards progress. India’s determination has made it self depended and self sufficient

Pillars of “Atma Nirbhar Bharat”

1. Economy- quantum jump not incremental change
2. Infrastructure- for modern India
3. System- technology driven for 21st century
4. Demography- vibrant demography as world’s largest democracy
5. Demand- optimize demand and supply chain in the economy

20 Lakh Crore Economic Package for Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan

PM announced a special Economic Package for “Aatma Nirbhar Bharat” Program

The package is 10% of India’s GDP and is of 20 Lakh Crore to make India self sufficient. The package focuses on Land Labour Liquidity and Laws. PM has announced that the Finance Minister will give elaborate details about this new economic package on 13 May 2020. 
These reforms will focus on strengthening the infrastructure, economy and business in India. Aatma Nirbharta will help India to excel in the competition of global supply change and the new economic package is made keeping in mind to increase the efficiency and improve quality of all sectors.
PM has mentioned that its time to help the poor, needy, farmers, people from organized and unorganized sectors, thus this new economic package will include points for everyone.

Vocal for Local

Coronavirus outbreak has brought the highlight on local supply change and India’s has been able to sustain the pandemic due to this local supply chain and its time for all Indians to strengthen our local produce and boost it for the betterment of the nation. Every Indian should become vocal for all local produce- not just consume local products but also promote them and we too can bring our local produce in global industry.
Scientists and Experts have said that coronavirus pandemic is going to stay a threat for a while but we cannot let the economy down.

Lockdown 4.0.

PM has said that the information about lockdown 4.0. will be given before 18th May and it will come with a whole new set of rules.

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